With regard to the Supreme Court Judgment and guidelines issued in 2013 to provide for the effective enforcement of the basic human right of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment and abuse, more particularly against sexual harassment at work places, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued circulars regarding Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions, to all advising them to establish a permanent cell and a committee and to develop guidelines to combat sexual harassment, violence against women and ragging at the universities and colleges. It has further advised the universities to be proactive by developing a conducive atmosphere on the campus, where the status of woman is respected and they are treated with.
What is Gender Sensitization?
‘Gender Sensitization’ will involve creating awareness about gender issues and working towards creating an enabling environment of gender justice where everyone can work and interact together within an atmosphere of personal security and dignity.
What is sexual Harrasment?
“Sexual Harassment” is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Physical contact and advances; or
- A demand or request for sexual favours whether by words or action; or
- sexually coloured remarks; or
- Showing pornography; or
- Any unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
Keeping the above guidelines in view the college has constituted the Internal Complaint Committee to deal with the sexual harassment complaints of women in the workplace.
Committee Composition (A.Y. 2022-2023)
Sr. No. | Name of the committee member | Designation | Position | Mobile No. |
1 | Dr. Jayshree K. Khedkar | Assistant Professor | Presiding Officer and Member | 9970718566 |
2 | Mrs. Megha H. Chintamani | External member | NGO Member | |
3 | Prof. Muktar F. Shaikh | Professor | Member | 9423468076 |
4 | Mr. Dattaram B. Bangar | Physical Director | Member | 9423465304 |
5. | Prof. Manisha Sanap | Assistant Professor | Member | 9403686291 |
6 | Mr. Umesh Kulkarni | Head Clerk | Member | 9423468218 |
7 | Mr. Dilip K. Handal | Senior Clerk | Member | 9921679660 |
8 | Ms. Alfiya Shaikh | Student | Postgraduate student member | |
9 | Ms. Supriya Gite | Student | Undergraduate Student Member |
Responsibilities of Internal Complaints Committee
Every organization is bound by POSH law to publish the names and details of the current ICC members on the premises at prominent places as well as on their official website.
The main responsibility that lies with the ICC is:
- Receive complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace
- Initiate and conduct an inquiry as per the company’s procedure
- Submit findings and recommendations of all such inquiries
- Coordinate with the Employer in implementing appropriate action
- Maintain strict confidentiality throughout the process as per established guidelines of the Internal Complaints Committee Policy
- Submit annual reports in the prescribed format as prescribed
- The Internal Complaints Committee is required to be vigilant to redress the sexual harassment complaints and resolve the same ASAP.
The committee shall, on receiving of a written complaint, punctually initiate examination proceedings as follows :
On receipt of a complaint, the ICC shall conduct a preliminary enquiry so as to ascertain the truth of the allegations by collecting the documentary evidence as well as recording statements of any possible witnesses including the complainant.
- ICC shall then submit the preliminary enquiry report to the Principal, along with all the original documents adduced during the preliminary enquiry proceedings. In case the allegations are not in the nature of sexual harassment, the ICC may refer such complaints to the Grievance Redressal Cell or to the Principal.
- Where sexual harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by any third party or outsider, the ICC shall take all steps necessary and reasonable to assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action
- The ICC shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015 and the Sexual Harassment Act for inquiring into the complaint in a time bound manner.
- If the ICC concludes that the allegations made were false or malicious, or the complaint was made knowing it to be untrue or forged, or misleading information has been provided during the inquiry, the complainant shall be liable to be punished as per the relevant provision of the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015.
- The Member Secretary, ICC shall receive the written complaints of sexual harassment, if any, on behalf of ICC and shall coordinate the deliberations of the ICC on the complaints receive
Inquiry process:
- The inquiry shall be completed within a period of 90 days from the date of the complaint.
- The ICC shall provide a report of its findings to the Principal within a period of 10 days from the date of completion of the inquiry and such report shall be made available to the
concerned parties. - If the allegation against the respondent has been proved, the ICC shall recommend punitive action(s) to be taken against the respondent.
- The Principal shall act upon the recommendation within 60 days of receiving it.
What are the possible actions that can be taken against the accused if found guilty?
Depending upon the severity of the case, punitive action may take any of the following forms
• Warning
• Written apology
• Bond of good behaviour
• Adverse remark in the Confidential Report
• Stopping of increments/promotion
• Suspension
• Dismissal
• Any other relevant actions
Useful Documents:
Sexual harassment at workplace rules ((link)
UGC regulations (link)
Handbook on Sexual harassment of woman at workplace
MHRD Gazzete Notification May 2016
Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan (link)
Contact :
Dr. Jayshree K. Khedkar (ICC Presiding Officer) : 9970718566
Any student / teaching staff / non-teaching staff can file a sexual harassment complaint to the ICC committee in the college.
Email us at jayshreekhedkar@shrianandcollege.com
Your complaint will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.