Shri Anand College

II पढमं णाणं तओ दया II

Shri Tilok Jain Dnyan Prasarak Mandal’s

Shri Anand College, Pathardi

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University – [PU/AN/SA/037/(1991)]

NAAC Accredited B++ Grade College (CGPA = 2.84) ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Department of Botany established in the year 1991, is one of the leading departments of Shri Anand College, Pathardi which conducts academic programme at UG level. The department has two permanent faculty members. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced with doctoral degree. Department is sponsored by DST-FIST program. In 2013 Certificate course in plant tissue culture programme was introduced on self-financing basis to help the rural students to pursue career-oriented course and fulfill their dreams. The staff members are actively engaged in research and extension activities. About thirty-two research papers have been published in peer reviewed National and International journals and also presented in the seminars, conferences. Dr. J. D. Barshile presented their individual research papers in the FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Induced Plant Mutations in the genomic Era, Vienna, Austria, on 12th -15th August 2008. About four minor research projects with a total outlay 675000 funded by UGC-WRO, BCUD SPPU were successfully completed. So far the department has organized two State level seminar/conference. The full-length papers received for the conference are published in proceeding entitled opportunities, challenges and prospect in life sciences sponsored by S.P. Pune University and organized by Department of Botany and Zoology. There are two laboratories one for under graduate students and one the plant tissue culture programme. The laboratories are well equipped with modern instruments purchased out of grants provided by UGC, DST, BOD-SPPU, Pune. The botanical garden is well maintained with ex-situ conservation of some rare, endangered and medicinal plants. Dr. D.V. Bhavsar staff member is on the editorial board of International Journal of Research and Review: Drug delivery. Dr. J. D. Barshile is life members of Indian Botanical Society. The department is enriched with learning resources such as charts, plant specimens, slides, herbarium and facilities like computers and LED TV which help the students in independent learning. Department of Botany received funds from DST-FIST, Delhi. Under this funding we have established a well-furnished Instrumentation Laboratory with Colling centrifuge, rotary shaker, Student microscopes and binocular microscope.

Name of the programEligibilityStudent strengthDuration
Certificate Course in Plant Tissue Culture B.Sc. 206 months 
B.Sc.HSC1202 Years

Sr. No. Name Qualification Designation Photo Biodata
  1.   Dr. J.D. Barshile   M.Sc., P.hD.  Professor & Head    Link   
  2.  Mr. Y.M. Ghodake  B.Sc.   Lab. Assistant   Link 
  3. Mr. S.S. Sharma 12th pass, ITI Lab. Attendant    Link